# BeikeShop Official Documentation
Welcome to the official BeikeShop documentation.
The BeikeShop official development documentation provides developers and administrators with comprehensive and detailed technical guides to help you quickly get started, understand, and use the BeikeShop system.
This document includes important content such as BeikeShop installation, configuration, upgrades, secondary development, and plugin development.
# The documentation includes:
- System Installation and Configuration: Instructions on the installation, upgrade, and common configuration operations of the standalone system, as well as features for daily website settings and customization.
- System Architecture and Basics: An introduction to the BeikeShop system architecture, coding style, and other relevant technical basics.
- Plugin Development Guide: A detailed tutorial for plugin development, helping you quickly get started with developing and publishing plugins to extend the BeikeShop standalone system.
- Frequently Asked Questions and Solutions: Answers and solutions to frequently asked questions, helping you quickly troubleshoot technical issues with the store.
# This documentation is suitable for:
- Developers: Helps developers quickly understand the BeikeShop system architecture and how to develop and integrate plugins.
- System Administrators: Provides detailed operational instructions for system administrators to configure, manage, and maintain the system on a daily basis.
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# BeikeShop Product Series Solutions
- BeikeShop Multi-vendor System: https://beikeshop.cn/solution/b2b2c (opens new window)
- BeikeShop Cross-platform App: https://beikeshop.cn/solution/app (opens new window)
- BeikeShop Cross-border E-commerce Website Group Management System: https://beikeshop.cn/solution/website_group (opens new window)
BeikeShop official website https://beikeshop.com (opens new window)