# BeikeShop Directory Structure
BeikeShop core file directory description, the following directories are relative to the system root directory
# beike core directory
BeikeShop backend core code file directory
# Admin
Backend code directory, the backend PHP code related to the management background is in this directory
# Config
Basic system configuration, such as version number and packaging time
# Console
Command line processing script directory
# Install
WEB installation process directory
# Libraries
Storing public libraries
# Models
Model Catalog
# Plugin
Plug-in core class, including plug-in processing and loading functions
# Repositories
Data warehouse directory, DB access related classes
# Services
The service class is generally used for public processing classes that are not pure database reading, such as site map generation, order state machine, email and SMS sending, page decoration, etc.
# Shop
Front-end code directory, the back-end PHP code related to the customer front-end is in this directory
# themes/default Directory
BeikeShop 前端模板目录, 可以自行创建新的theme
# account
Personal Center Related Templates
# brand
Brand page related templates
# cart
Shopping cart related templates
# checkout
Checkout page related templates
# components
View component related documents, used for public pages such as personal center sidebars and breadcrumbs
# design
Home page decoration related templates
# errors
Error message related
# layout
Overall layout related templates
# pages
Single Page Template
# shared
Templates for public pages such as menu, address, shopping cart, etc.