# Developer related
- What are the requirements to become a developer?
A: You need to be proficient in PHP and have a good understanding of the Laravel framework.
- How to become a developer?
Register as a beikeshop user https://beikeshop.com/account/login (opens new window)
Click "Apply to become a developer"
After the application is approved, the backend user center will display the "Developer Center"
After becoming a developer, you can create and upload plug-ins in "My Plug-ins"!
- What is the profit percentage of the plugin I developed?
A: Developers can get 80% of the plug-in sales revenue. For example, if the plug-in is priced at 100 yuan, and a customer pays 100 yuan for one plug-in purchase, the developer can get 80 yuan.
- How to deploy the same project on multiple computers without having to worry about environmental issues every time?
A: We recommend using docker.